dimarts, 28 de febrer del 2012

Valentine's day

For do this task I do a listening and a game for practice the vocabulary.
The listening

The game for practice the vocabulary.

New year's resolutions ;)

  • I will pass the ESO with a better marks.
 To get this I have to study a lot and listening more at the class.

  • I won't to retorn in Beas de Segura
I won't that because in the summer I went in Beas de Segura and I met a lot of friends and I didn't see they more.

  • I will be pass more time doing what I like
Do this is a little complicated because the time fly and I have don't a lot of time for study, meet with my friends, to spoil my horse and a lot of thinks.

diumenge, 19 de febrer del 2012

Noah's diary

This film is very romantic but toghether a little sad because Noah and Allie are a prohibited love, but the love is more strong and they finished togheder and forever!
It's a film very romantic and it's more for girls. :)